Thursday, October 29, 2009

The Box

Frodo loves sleeping in boxes. He found this particular one very cozy. He went right to sleep after checking this box out.

Barney is a smart ass. He knows that the box has become a special place for Frodo to sleep in. So on this particular day, the moment Frodo left the box, he went to try it out himself. 

FRODO: Dude, that's my box.
BARNEY: Well, I'm using it now and I'm not leaving until I get bored with it OR until        someone offers me food.
FRODO: Dammit dog! Get outta there! My kidneys are failing so I have special privileges and that includes sleeping in a box!
BARNEY: Sorry feline brother, but you just have to wait.

Enter Sita. 
FRODO: Man, why on earth did you let her take it?
BARNEY: You crazy? You know how she is. If I don't give it to her, she'll slap me silly!
FRODO: What a sissy boy.

FRODO: Sis, is there any chance you'll be leaving this box soon?
SITA: Uhmm.. Let me think.... NO.

FRODO: I miss my box.
BARNEY: Get over it.
FRODO: Dweeb.

The next morning.
BARNEY: Good morning!
FRODO: Get out of my box!


Friday, October 16, 2009

Birthday Girls

Winky and I celebrated our birthday together last Saturday. The ladies congregated at my place for some strangely diversified chow (prepared by me of course!), chit-chat, scrumptious cake (from Cinnie, of course!) and close contact with wildlife. 

Look at the faces on us as we opened our birthday cake! Thank you Cinnie! It was truly delicious and decadent.

The cake was so good that it quickly attracted one of the fiercest predators in Discovery Bay.... Barney the Pug. Check out his googly laser eyes honing for the grub.

Here I am preparing to cut the cake with my very fancy Agnes B. "cake" ribbon fashionably tied on my head. Micha being known for having an expressive face shows what I can only describe as her she's-out-of-her-mind! face. 

At the end of the day, after all the chocolate and coffee plus too much contact with Barney, Lily stole the show with this voguish cake hat cover (cue Micha's face). 

What can I say, it was a great afternoon. Thanks ladies!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Mr. Snail

Very interesting the things that you see around Discovery Bay, dogs, babies, mommies, babies, babies, children, babies, dogs...... then there's this very quiet mollusk. Mr. Snail!

It's very refreshing to see a giant snail glide slooooowy in front of you. Leaving behind it a trail of sticky mucus, just like when Hansel and Gretel left behind trail of bread hoping to trace their way back home. Thankfully though this particular snail doesn't have a bad parent who's intentionally leading him to get lost in the woods. 

Instead of getting into trouble with the witch with an eating disorder, it crossed my path and I took it home for a while to have its photos taken. This particular one is quite photogenic I should say. Very good with close-ups. Here's Mr. Snail being investigated by Frodo. 

I chose to call him Mr. Snail, although it's a known fact that snails are hermaphrodites (how sexually convenient!) because he does produce mucus-like drool like men do and boys are less moody. Here he is positioning himself on top of the ruler. I wanted to measure him.

Mr. snail is almost 6 inches long, and this when he's not even stretching out. Here he is relaxed next to the ruler. Of course I have to say goodbye to Mr. Snail. I don't think I would want to keep him in the house with his mucus trail all over the floor. I don't think I would want to keep those two bratty lost kids with the bread crumbs either. END!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Purple Haze

This happened once before, and every time a purple haze envelopes the sky outside, it rains heavily afterwards. On this day, everything was so still, hot and humid hours before the rain poured.