Sunday, July 26, 2009

The Absolute Poolside Madness

Being in yoga boot camp for a month and enduring physical, mental and emotional, but mostly physical exhaustion, one has to wonder where all this crazy energy came from. 

All hell broke loose at the poolside of Absolute Sanctuary as my classmates and I went totally unhinged as we posed, played and scampered around as the sun went down slowly on our last day of teacher training.

Me, Steph, Roslyn, Alisa, Ayumu and Winky strike a pose. 

Jessica and I head-butting in Bakasana.

Roslyn, the super bendy and strong, and me in Pincha Mayurasana. Thanks Helene for putting us in the pose!

Love triangle between Jimmy, Roslyn and me in Bujapidasana.

Olympic canon ball divers taking the plunge!

One of the best moments in my life. Happy to have met all these wonderful, inspiring people. Namaste guys!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Sub-Qing Frodo

From an earlier blog I mentioned that Frodo’s kidneys are failing. Since there is no cure to this, management is key. Managing his condition requires him to take 2 different kinds of medication twice a day and a subcutaneous (sub-Q) injection of fluids to keep him hydrated and help flush his toxins out.

Let me take you to the world of sub-Qing (sub-kyoowing) if you dare.

1. After connecting the Lactated Ringer to the infusion tube, attach a new needle (I like      using gauge 19 as it slides in smoothly.) and let the fluid run through the tube.

2. Mark how much fluids you’ll be using so you won’t panic once you’ve realized you don’t even remember where the starting mark was in the first place. Frodo needs 150ml daily.

3. Pull the loose skin on his scruff to create a “tent” of skin where the needle will be         inserted.
4. Inject the needle horizontally at a slightly downward angle.

5. Roll the valve open and let the fluid flow. It’ll take about 2 minutes or so for 150ml to flow out.
6. Roll the valve close, pull needle out, and pinch area of skin where the needle was to close it off.

7. Once done, give yummy treat right away. Good boy Frodo!

It’s not so bad, right.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Rocking with Kurt Cobain

After a couple of days downing Panadol, the river of snot finally ebbed. My head felt lighter but for some strange reason my right eye was red, probably scratched my eye during sleep...

Following a class this morning, I felt energized and decided to do my own practice with music. And so I rocked it with Nirvana. Amazing how powerful you feel doing inversions having Kurt Cobain howl in the background. That was mighty liberating.

While yours truly was liberating herself with backbends, guess who decided to saunter in – Barney! The dragon dog. Parked himself next to me and drifted off to sleep. Hope he doesn't scratch his eye.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Yoga with the Kids

Every summer I run a yoga for kids class. These photos were taken 2 years ago. So funny how some kids are so in to it, and some just stare at you, pick their noses and yawn, and some would rather be in their classmate’s skirt! Kids!

Downward facing dog

Down dog, pee pee to the right....or left.



Sunday, July 5, 2009


Frodo’s not feeling well lately. He’s been diagnosed with polycystic kidney disease, his kidneys are failing. It has been a more than a month since he was diagnosed and I have to say he is fighting a good fight with this disease. He is receiving sub-Q fluids and other palatable medications everyday.

He has good and bad days. On his good days, his face is bright and he is up and about jumping on furniture and asking for attention and food. On his bad days, well, he is withdrawn and his eyes are dull with dark circles surrounding it. As for me, I take it a day at a time and I really do my best to give him all the love, attention and care I can give. Will keep you posted about his health.


I got new yoga blocks! And boy, did I use them in class. I have blues and browns and the quality is quite good, and the best thing is I got it on instructor discount, yay!