Friday, October 9, 2009

Mr. Snail

Very interesting the things that you see around Discovery Bay, dogs, babies, mommies, babies, babies, children, babies, dogs...... then there's this very quiet mollusk. Mr. Snail!

It's very refreshing to see a giant snail glide slooooowy in front of you. Leaving behind it a trail of sticky mucus, just like when Hansel and Gretel left behind trail of bread hoping to trace their way back home. Thankfully though this particular snail doesn't have a bad parent who's intentionally leading him to get lost in the woods. 

Instead of getting into trouble with the witch with an eating disorder, it crossed my path and I took it home for a while to have its photos taken. This particular one is quite photogenic I should say. Very good with close-ups. Here's Mr. Snail being investigated by Frodo. 

I chose to call him Mr. Snail, although it's a known fact that snails are hermaphrodites (how sexually convenient!) because he does produce mucus-like drool like men do and boys are less moody. Here he is positioning himself on top of the ruler. I wanted to measure him.

Mr. snail is almost 6 inches long, and this when he's not even stretching out. Here he is relaxed next to the ruler. Of course I have to say goodbye to Mr. Snail. I don't think I would want to keep him in the house with his mucus trail all over the floor. I don't think I would want to keep those two bratty lost kids with the bread crumbs either. END!


  1. We would sprinkle salt on these critters when we were small in Talisay... how cruel were we? -Janut

  2. We were pretty cruel kids I have to say. We even played and experimented with those green chubby caterpillars, and fed frogs to Lola's fish!
