Saturday, September 18, 2010

Goating Around

Goats are cute. They're even cuter when they are still babies. They run towards you like dogs and ask to be carried. They nibble on your fingers and chew strands of your hair. They bleat the cutest bleat, and hop the cutest hop. 

These two goats here are just two weeks old. Lotte and I were trying to make them kiss!

Then there's Uno.....
Uno is the alpha male. He's the billie buck of the farm. He is larger than the rest of the goats with an attitude to match! That is why he is tethered on a fence. 

Then he did something very peculiar... He peed on his face!!!
How did he do it, you may ask? Well, here is the photo.

The funny thing was after the peeing on the face thing, Jessie went over to Uno to touch his head, and he was like, "How come your head is wet?"

Uno's gross!

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